10 Letter Words List (38122)
- government 21
- university 18
- department 18
- commission 20
- conditions 16
- production 19
- management 20
- individual 19
- considered 16
- experience 24
- particular 18
- additional 14
- activities 17
- themselves 20
- population 19
- especially 20
- provisions 18
- employment 23
- operations 14
- determined 16
- industrial 14
- protection 17
- technology 21
- commercial 23
- associated 14
- facilities 17
- conference 21
- throughout 18
- assistance 14
- difference 21
- discussion 16
- sufficient 21
- understand 15
- connection 19
- importance 20
- investment 19
- resolution 13
- authorized 23
- literature 12
- collection 19
- reasonable 15
- properties 16
- procedures 18
- concerning 21
- everything 21
- principles 21
- historical 16
- scientific 20
- increasing 17
- foundation 17
- laboratory 16
- containing 18
- successful 22
- evaluation 17
- frequently 27
- assessment 14
- introduced 17
- interested 12
- relatively 18
- expression 21
- previously 21
- convention 20
- recognized 26
- statistics 13
- industries 13
- regulation 15
- accordance 21
- completely 23
- percentage 19
- techniques 26
- applicable 24
- processing 19
- statements 14
- comparison 20
- resistance 14
- subsequent 25
- conclusion 20
- developing 22
- securities 14
- structures 15
- definition 16
- appearance 20
- possession 14
- impossible 20
- components 21
- references 17
- controlled 17
- electrical 18
- identified 16
- experiment 24
- apparently 20
- efficiency 25
- mechanical 23
- respondent 16
- maintained 16
- instrument 16
- inspection 18
- membership 24
- proportion 17
- settlement 15
- understood 14
- equivalent 26
- generation 14
- electronic 18
- difficulty 24
- accounting 21
- philosophy 23
- represents 14
- continuous 17
- background 25
- revolution 17
- leadership 17
- consistent 15
- proceeding 20
- designated 15
- defendants 17
- discovered 19
- democratic 20
- television 16
- amendments 19
- retirement 14
- continuing 19
- calculated 20
- confidence 22
- adjustment 25
- structural 16
- compliance 24
- prescribed 20
- subsection 18
- psychology 25
- objectives 29
- constitute 15
- agreements 16
- opposition 17
- obligation 17
- interstate 11
- permission 17
- situations 12
- committees 19
- eventually 20
- originally 17
- biological 20
- enterprise 14
- registered 13
- advantages 18
- transition 12
- elementary 17
- prevention 19
- parameters 16
- contractor 17
- characters 18
- publishing 23
- separation 14
- classified 18
- categories 15
- quantities 21
- supporting 20
- atmosphere 18
- conversion 19
- regulatory 16
- approaches 21
- acceptance 23
- directions 15
- plaintiffs 21
- completion 21
- monitoring 17
- disability 17
- automobile 18
- assignment 17
- thereafter 15
- respective 20
- republican 22
- limitation 15
- absolutely 18
- variations 15
- collective 22
- consisting 17
- thoroughly 20
- depression 15
- petitioner 14
How many 10 letter words are there in different dictionaries?
The number of 10-letter words varies in different word game dictionaries
- There are 23548 10-letter words in the Scrabble US Dictionary (NWL - contains Scrabble words from the NASPA word list, formerly TWL).
- There are 35529 10-letter words in the Scrabble UK Dictionary (CSW - contains Scrabble words from Collins Scrabble Words).
- There are 25532 10-letter words in the Words With Friends Dictionary (WWF).
What are the most common 10-letter words?
The most common 30 10-letter words are(sort by frequency descending):
What are the 10 10-letter words with the most points?
Scrabble US(NWL) | razzmatazz(48 points), whizzbangs(37 points), showbizzes(36 points), dizzyingly(36 points), bumfuzzled(36 points), bumfuzzles(35 points), puzzlingly(34 points), kolkhoznik(34 points), blizzardly(34 points), zygomorphy(33 points). |
Scrabble UK(CSW) | razzmatazz(48 points), quizzified(41 points), quizzifies(40 points), whizzingly(38 points), whizzbangs(37 points), quizziness(37 points), quizzeries(37 points), zizyphuses(36 points), showbizzes(36 points), dizzyingly(36 points). |
Word With Friends(WWF) | razzmatazz(49 points), vajazzling(45 points), jazzercise(40 points), whizzbangs(39 points), squeezebox(39 points), puzzlingly(39 points), buzzworthy(39 points), bemuzzling(39 points), unpuzzling(38 points), unmuzzling(38 points). |
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