10 Letter Words List (38122)
- abeyancies 19
- abraidedly 18
- achinesses 16
- acidnesses 15
- acierating 16
- acyclovirs 23
- adamancies 18
- adenitises 12
- aerobioses 13
- aeronomies 14
- aerosolise 11
- aftercares 16
- agednesses 14
- agrologies 15
- airdashing 16
- airinesses 11
- aitchbones 19
- alchemises 19
- alfilarias 15
- algidities 14
- algologies 16
- alkalifies 19
- alkalisers 16
- allamander 17
- allargandi 16
- allogamies 17
- allotypies 17
- alpenglows 21
- alphosises 16
- altostrati 11
- aluminises 16
- americiums 20
- amiantuses 15
- amoralisms 17
- amphimixes 28
- amphometer 21
- amplexuses 25
- amscraying 21
- amylopsins 20
- amyotonias 16
- anablepses 18
- anacronyms 20
- anageneses 14
- anchoiades 17
- anestruses 12
- anhedonias 15
- annuitises 13
- antechoirs 16
- antenatals 13
- anthelions 15
- anthelixes 21
- antielites 12
- aphaereses 15
- aphorising 18
- apiologies 16
- apoapsides 17
- apocarpies 19
- apophonies 19
- apospories 16
- arabicizes 25
- archboards 19
- arctophily 21
- arecolines 15
- areologies 13
- arhatships 17
- aridnesses 12
- armaturing 17
- aromatises 13
- artinesses 11
- asafetidas 14
- asbestuses 14
- asexualise 19
- ashinesses 13
- aspartames 16
- assagaiing 15
- assegaiing 15
- athanasies 13
- atonalisms 15
- auroscopes 17
- autoecisms 17
- autogenies 14
- autotypies 16
- avianizing 27
- avidnesses 16
- awaynesses 16
- ayahuascas 18
- backrowers 23
- backrushes 23
- backvelder 26
- bacterizes 25
- badinaging 20
- badmintons 19
- bafflegabs 25
- bairnliest 15
- bakshished 22
- bakshishes 21
- baldmoneys 21
- bangarangs 19
- barbascoes 19
- barbitones 17
- bargainous 17
- bargepoles 19
- barleymows 22
- barnbracks 24
- barrelages 16
- barretries 13
- bassnesses 14
- baudronses 16
- beaconfish 22
- beblooding 21
- bechalking 26
- bechancing 25
- beclasping 23
- becloaking 24
- beclogging 24
- beclothing 22
- beclowning 24
- becowarded 21
- becrawling 23
- becrowding 23
- becrusting 20
- bedblocker 25
- bedighting 21
- bedimpling 24
- bedirtying 19
- bedriveled 20
- beflecking 27
- befretting 19
- befringing 22
- begladding 21
- beglamours 20
- begrimming 24
- begroaning 19
- bejumbling 33
- beknotting 21
- bellcurves 23
- bemadaming 23
- bemingling 23
- bemuzzling 39
- bepainting 20
- bepimpling 26
- berascaled 18
- berkeliums 22
- bescorches 21
- bescouring 20
- beshouting 19
- besmoothed 19
- besoothing 18
- bespousing 20
- beswarming 22
- bethanking 23
- bethorning 19
- bevomiting 23
- bewearying 21
- beworrying 21
- bewrapping 25
- bhadralogs 19
- biasnesses 14
- bibliotist 17
- bicoloreds 18
- bifidities 17
- bigeminies 19
- billowiest 18
- biopharmas 21
- bioscopies 19
- birdliming 21
- bitchslaps 22
- bituminise 18
- blootering 17
- blotchiest 19
- bodyclocks 27
- bodyswerve 23
- bombilated 21
- bombilates 20
- boninesses 15
- booboisies 16
- bossanovas 18
- botrytises 15
- botulinums 20
- bovinities 18
How many 10 letter words are there in different dictionaries?
The number of 10-letter words varies in different word game dictionaries
- There are 23548 10-letter words in the Scrabble US Dictionary (NWL - contains Scrabble words from the NASPA word list, formerly TWL).
- There are 35529 10-letter words in the Scrabble UK Dictionary (CSW - contains Scrabble words from Collins Scrabble Words).
- There are 25532 10-letter words in the Words With Friends Dictionary (WWF).
What are the most common 10-letter words?
The most common 30 10-letter words are(sort by frequency descending):
What are the 10 10-letter words with the most points?
Scrabble US(NWL) | razzmatazz(48 points), whizzbangs(37 points), showbizzes(36 points), dizzyingly(36 points), bumfuzzled(36 points), bumfuzzles(35 points), puzzlingly(34 points), kolkhoznik(34 points), blizzardly(34 points), zygomorphy(33 points). |
Scrabble UK(CSW) | razzmatazz(48 points), quizzified(41 points), quizzifies(40 points), whizzingly(38 points), whizzbangs(37 points), quizziness(37 points), quizzeries(37 points), zizyphuses(36 points), showbizzes(36 points), dizzyingly(36 points). |
Word With Friends(WWF) | razzmatazz(49 points), vajazzling(45 points), jazzercise(40 points), whizzbangs(39 points), squeezebox(39 points), puzzlingly(39 points), buzzworthy(39 points), bemuzzling(39 points), unpuzzling(38 points), unmuzzling(38 points). |
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