There are a total of 54 10-letter words containing 'lith', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- batholiths 18
- blitheness 17
- blithering 19
- blithesome 19
- callithump 24
- coccoliths 22
- cystoliths 18
- discoliths 17
- endolithic 18
- gastrolith 15
- laccoliths 20
- lithifying 21
- lithograph 20
- lithologic 19
- lithophane 19
- lithophyte 20
- lithopones 17
- lithotrite 13
- lithotrity 15
- megalithic 21
- microliths 19
- monolithic 20
- photolitho 18
- phytoliths 20
- slithering 16
- statoliths 13
- trilithons 14
- xenolithic 24
- granoliths 14
- paleoliths 15
- slitherier 13
- acrolithic 17
- bathyliths 21
- choleliths 18
- coproliths 17
- cycloliths 20
- enterolith 13
- lithistids 14
- lithoclast 15
- lithocysts 18
- lithoglyph 22
- litholatry 16
- lithomancy 20
- lithomarge 16
- lithophysa 21
- lithophyse 21
- lithoprint 15
- lithotomes 15
- lithotomic 17
- palaeolith 15
- phacoliths 20
- rhabdolith 19
- rhinoliths 16
- sialoliths 13
There are 54 10-letter words containing lith in the well-known word game dictionary, 26 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 53 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 28 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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