There are a total of 592 10-letter words ending in the letter 'm', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- conchiform 22
- flunkeydom 23
- stichidium 18
- freeganism 16
- gormandism 16
- polyparium 19
- consortism 14
- zoophilism 26
- anaerobium 14
- allomerism 14
- scleroderm 15
- scyphiform 25
- bradyseism 18
- impaludism 17
- autotheism 15
- gynandrism 17
- hylotheism 21
- strigiform 16
- lobopodium 22
- chromogram 20
- poculiform 19
- trivialism 15
- synandrium 16
- martialism 14
- anachorism 17
- monadiform 18
- geophagism 19
- pancosmism 18
- actiniform 17
- luminarism 14
- plasmodesm 21
- psychicism 24
- shadchanim 22
- lowbrowism 20
- saddleroom 14
- kitchendom 22
- raduliform 16
- decimalism 17
- clypeiform 22
- kaffirboom 24
- cuculiform 19
- concettism 16
- bastardism 15
- strychnism 20
- hexamerism 24
- cancriform 19
- baculiform 19
- fortuitism 15
- vaporiform 20
- elytriform 18
- overinform 21
- reunionism 12
- calceiform 19
- enthraldom 16
- macroprism 18
- nidamentum 15
- tricrotism 14
- presbytism 19
- blepharism 19
- allotheism 15
- diatropism 15
- cottierism 14
- spermarium 16
- baalebatim 16
- gombeenism 17
- sinarchism 17
- shammashim 23
- ypsiliform 20
- cucumiform 21
- antimerism 14
- griffinism 19
- anticivism 17
- shadkhanim 23
- unidealism 13
- misprogram 21
- disembosom 17
- hackneyism 24
- surrogatum 13
- slactivism 21
- hidalgoism 17
- malleiform 17
- streetroom 12
- cotyliform 20
- stilliform 15
- umbiliform 19
- stibialism 14
- dyothelism 19
- nippitatum 21
- culiciform 19
- orthoprism 17
- milksopism 20
- viperiform 20
- zoothecium 26
- witgatboom 18
- viviparism 20
- thalliform 18
- symphilism 22
- stripagram 15
- sphenogram 18
- siphonogam 18
- samariform 17
- phoenixism 24
- phialiform 20
- patrialism 14
- mahatmaism 19
- fresherdom 19
- diothelism 16
- diactinism 15
- demirepdom 18
- copperworm 21
- conacreism 16
- hemelytrum 20
There are 592 10-letter words ending in the letter m in the well-known word game dictionary, 305 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 560 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 353 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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