There are a total of 866 10-letter words containing 'bi', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- abiogenist 16
- acerbities 16
- acrophobia 21
- acrophobic 24
- actability 19
- adhibiting 19
- adhibition 17
- adverbials 19
- aerobicist 16
- aerobioses 13
- aerobiosis 13
- affability 22
- afterbirth 18
- albinistic 18
- ambisexual 25
- ambisonics 20
- ambitioned 18
- ambivalent 22
- amiability 19
- amoebiases 16
- amoebiasis 16
- amphibians 22
- amphibious 22
- antibioses 14
- antibiosis 14
- antibiotic 17
- antirabies 14
- aquarobics 26
- arabicized 26
- arabicizes 25
- arabinoses 14
- arbitrable 17
- arbitraged 16
- arbitrager 15
- arbitrages 15
- arbitrated 14
- arbitrates 13
- arbitrator 13
- archbishop 23
- arrabbiata 16
- assibilate 14
- audibility 18
- automobile 18
- babbitting 22
- backbiters 23
- backbiting 26
- backbitten 24
- barbitones 17
- barbituric 20
- biannually 20
- biasnesses 14
- biathletes 16
- biblically 24
- biblicisms 23
- biblicists 20
- bibliology 22
- bibliomane 21
- bibliopegy 24
- bibliopole 21
- bibliotics 20
- bibliotist 17
- bibulously 22
- bichromate 21
- bicoloreds 18
- bicoloured 19
- bicultural 20
- bicyclists 22
- bidonville 21
- biennially 19
- bierkeller 19
- bifacially 23
- bifidities 17
- bifurcated 21
- bifurcates 20
- bigamously 22
- bigeminies 19
- bighearted 18
- bigmouthed 22
- bijections 26
- bijouterie 23
- bilberries 17
- bilgewater 19
- bilharzial 26
- bilharzias 25
- bilinguals 19
- bilirubins 19
- biliverdin 20
- billabongs 21
- billboards 19
- billfishes 20
- billionths 18
- billowiest 18
- billposter 18
- billycarts 20
- billycocks 27
- billygoats 19
- bilocation 18
- bimanually 22
- bimetallic 21
- bimodality 20
- binational 16
- binaurally 19
- binoculars 19
- binomially 21
- binturongs 18
- binucleate 19
- bioassayed 16
- biocenoses 17
- biocenosis 17
- biocentric 20
- biochemist 21
- biocircuit 20
- bioclastic 20
- biocontrol 18
- biodefence 21
- biodefense 18
- biodegrade 17
- biodiverse 18
- biodynamic 23
- bioethanol 17
- bioethical 19
- biofouling 21
- biogeneric 19
- biogeneses 16
- biogenesis 16
- biogenetic 19
- biographee 20
- biographer 20
- biographic 23
- biohazards 25
- biolistics 17
- biological 20
- biologisms 19
- biologists 16
- biomarkers 20
- biomedical 21
- biometrics 19
- biometries 16
- biomimetic 22
- biomimicry 24
- biomorphic 24
- bionically 21
- biopharmas 21
- biophysics 23
- bioplastic 20
- biopolymer 22
- bioprinter 17
- bioreactor 16
- bioregions 16
- biorhythms 22
- bioscience 20
- bioscopies 19
- biosensors 14
- biosimilar 17
- biospheres 18
- biospheric 21
- biosurgery 18
- biotecture 17
- biotherapy 20
- biowarfare 19
- bioweapons 20
- biparental 18
- bipartisan 17
- bipedalism 21
- bipedality 20
- bipolarity 19
- bipolarize 26
- bipyramids 22
- birdbrains 18
- birdhouses 17
- birdliming 21
- birdstrike 18
- birdtables 18
- birthdates 16
- birthmarks 22
- birthplace 22
- birthrates 15
- birthright 19
- birthroots 15
- birthstone 16
- birthworts 18
- bisections 17
- bisexually 25
- bishoprics 21
- bistouries 14
- bisulfates 18
- bisulfides 19
- bisulfites 18
- bisulphate 20
- bitartrate 13
- bitchiness 19
- bitchslaps 22
- bitmapping 25
- bitonality 17
- bitstreams 16
- bitterling 17
- bitterness 14
- bitterroot 13
- bitterweed 17
- bituminise 18
- bituminize 27
- bituminous 19
- bivouacked 26
- biweeklies 21
- bizarrerie 22
- blackbirds 25
- bombilated 21
- bombilates 20
- bombinated 21
- bombinates 20
- bookbinder 22
- bookmobile 24
- bowerbirds 20
- broadbills 19
- bushbabies 22
- cannabinol 20
- cannabises 18
- cantabiles 18
- capability 22
- carabineer 17
- carabinero 17
- carabiners 17
- carabinier 17
- cedarbirds 18
- cellobiose 18
- childbirth 22
- choliambic 25
- choriambic 24
- chubbiness 23
- clubbiness 22
- cobwebbier 25
- cobwebbing 28
- cockbilled 26
- coenobites 17
- coenobitic 20
- cohabitant 19
- cohabitees 18
- cohabiters 18
- cohabiting 21
- columbines 22
- columbites 21
- columbiums 25
- combinable 24
- concubines 22
- confabbing 26
- conglobing 23
- corbiculae 21
- coulibiacs 21
- counterbid 19
- crabbiness 20
- cranesbill 19
- crossbills 18
- crumbiness 21
- cubicities 20
- curability 20
- cutability 20
- cymbidiums 26
- debilitate 15
- debilities 15
- demobilise 18
- demobilize 27
- deorbiting 17
- describing 20
- deshabille 18
- disability 17
- dishabille 18
- disinhibit 17
- disturbing 18
- disyllabic 21
- dollarbird 17
- dubitation 16
- dubitative 19
- durability 18
- dyeability 19
- embittered 17
- endobiotic 18
- equability 26
- euphorbias 19
- exhibiting 25
- exhibition 23
- exhibitive 26
- exhibitors 22
- exhibitory 24
- exobiology 25
- exorbitant 21
- flabbiness 21
- forbidders 18
- forbidding 21
- forecabins 20
- friability 19
- friarbirds 17
- frostbites 16
- furbishers 19
- furbishing 22
- fusibility 20
- gabionages 18
- galliambic 23
- gibberbird 22
- grassbirds 16
- grubbiness 20
- gynophobia 23
- gynophobic 26
- habiliment 20
- habilitate 16
- habitation 16
- habitative 19
- habitually 20
- habituated 17
- habituates 16
- harbingers 18
- hardbitten 17
- hawksbills 24
- hemoglobin 22
- herbicidal 20
- herbicides 19
- herbivores 19
- hibiscuses 19
- highbinder 21
- hobnobbing 25
- homophobia 23
- homophobic 26
- honeybirds 19
- horribilis 16
- ignobility 19
- imbibition 20
- imbittered 17
- immobilise 20
- immobilism 23
- immobility 22
- immobilize 29
- indigobird 18
- inhabitant 17
- inhabiters 16
- inhabiting 19
- inhibiting 19
- inhibition 17
- inhibitive 20
- inhibitors 16
- inhibitory 18
- inscribing 20
- ivorybills 21
- jackrabbit 32
- jubilances 28
- jubilantly 28
- jubilarian 25
- jubilating 27
- jubilation 25
- karabiners 18
- kibbitzers 29
- kibbitzing 32
- kohlrabies 20
- koulibiacs 22
- labialised 16
- labialises 15
- labialized 25
- labializes 24
- labilities 15
- labiovelar 19
- legibility 19
- lesbianism 18
- libidinous 17
- likability 21
- livability 21
- lotusbirds 16
- lovability 21
- marimbists 19
- marshbirds 19
- microbiome 22
- microbiota 19
- minibikers 21
- misbiasing 19
- misbiassed 17
- misbiasses 16
- misbilling 21
- misbinding 21
- mobilisers 17
- mobilising 20
- mobilities 17
- mobilizers 26
- mobilizing 29
- morbidness 18
- motorbiked 21
- motorbiker 20
- motorbikes 20
- mousebirds 18
- movability 23
- mutability 20
- myoglobins 22
- nailbiting 18
- nightbirds 19
- nobilitate 15
- nobilities 15
- nonbinding 20
- noncabinet 19
- notability 17
- novobiocin 22
- nubilities 16
- obituaries 14
- obituarist 14
- obnubilate 19
- orbiculate 18
- outbidding 19
- outbitched 20
- outbitches 19
- outbribing 20
- overbidden 20
- overbidder 19
- overbilled 20
- parabioses 16
- parabiosis 16
- parabiotic 19
- parrotbill 18
- perturbing 20
- phycobilin 25
- pimpmobile 26
- plebiscite 20
- pliability 20
- potability 19
- prebilling 21
- prebinding 21
- prebiotics 19
- prefabbing 25
- preorbital 17
- probiotics 19
- procambial 23
- procambium 26
- prohibited 19
- prohibiter 18
- prohibitor 18
- proverbial 21
- proverbing 23
- psilocybin 23
- rabbinates 17
- rabbinical 21
- rabbinisms 20
- rabbitbush 22
- rabbitfish 21
- rabbitries 16
- rabidities 14
- ratability 16
- razorbills 24
- rebbitzins 26
- rebirthers 15
- rebirthing 18
- recombined 21
- recombines 20
- reinhabits 16
- remobilize 26
- replumbing 24
- repmobiles 20
- riflebirds 18
- ringbinder 18
- risibility 16
- rockabilly 24
- rubbishing 22
- rubiconing 21
- rubiginous 18
- salability 17
- scabbiness 20
- scabiouses 17
- scrubbiest 20
- sensibilia 15
- sewability 19
- shabbiness 19
- sheathbill 19
- shorebirds 16
- showbizzes 36
- shrubbiest 19
- sibilances 18
- sibilantly 18
- sibilating 17
- sibilation 15
- sicklebill 23
- skibobbing 26
- skimobiles 21
- snakebirds 19
- snakebites 18
- snobbishly 22
- snowmobile 21
- snubbiness 19
- solubilise 16
- solubility 18
- solubilize 25
- soundbites 16
- spellbinds 20
- spoonbills 19
- squabbiest 26
- stabilator 14
- stabilised 15
- stabiliser 14
- stabilises 14
- stabilized 24
- stabilizer 23
- stabilizes 23
- stillbirth 17
- stitchbird 19
- storksbill 19
- strabismal 17
- strabismic 19
- strabismus 17
- stubbiness 18
- subcabinet 21
- subindexes 23
- subindices 19
- suborbital 18
- succumbing 27
- sugarbirds 17
- sunbittern 16
- superbikes 21
- swordbills 19
- syllabised 18
- syllabises 17
- syllabized 27
- syllabizes 26
- tailorbird 15
- tenability 17
- terebinths 16
- thornbills 18
- tibiotarsi 13
- tinkerbird 19
- tourbillon 17
- traymobile 19
- trilobites 14
- tropicbird 20
- tubicolous 19
- tubificids 21
- tunability 18
- turbidites 15
- turbiditic 18
- turbidness 16
- turbinated 16
- turbinates 15
- ubiquinone 26
- ubiquities 24
- ubiquitous 25
- umbilicals 22
- umbilicate 21
- unbiblical 23
- unbiddable 21
- unbirthday 20
- uncombined 23
- underbites 16
- upclimbing 27
- useability 17
- verbicides 21
- verbifying 25
- visibility 20
- volubility 22
- waterbirds 17
- waterbirth 18
- wattlebird 18
- weaverbird 21
- wedgebills 21
- whalebirds 20
- whirlybird 22
- widowbirds 21
- winebibber 23
- xenobiotic 24
- xenophobia 26
- xenophobic 29
- yellowbill 22
- yohimbines 21
- ytterbiums 19
- zombielike 30
- zombifying 33
- aerobicize 23
- aerophobia 17
- aerophobic 19
- anaerobium 14
- audibilize 22
- babbitries 16
- babirussas 14
- bickerings 19
- bierwursts 15
- bigarreaus 13
- bigfooting 17
- bilections 14
- biodiesels 13
- biofoulers 15
- biomineral 14
- bionomists 14
- biophilias 17
- biopirates 14
- biostromes 14
- bioterrors 12
- biradicals 15
- birchbarks 23
- birchwoods 21
- birddogged 17
- birthnames 17
- bitcheries 17
- biteplates 14
- bitternuts 12
- bivalences 17
- cabinmates 16
- carbineers 14
- dollybirds 17
- exhibiters 22
- galabiyahs 19
- halobionts 15
- heathbirds 19
- inhibiters 15
- moosebirds 15
- moundbirds 16
- nailbiters 12
- nelumbiums 16
- neophobias 17
- outbidders 14
- prebidding 17
- reexhibits 22
- scrubbings 17
- sibilators 12
- skimobiled 19
- sportbikes 18
- subinfeuds 16
- sumbitches 19
- superbitch 19
- syllabisms 17
- tarabishes 15
- theorbists 15
- trebbianos 14
- wardrobing 17
- zoophobias 26
- abiotrophy 20
- abirritant 12
- abirritate 12
- abiturient 12
- aerobicise 14
- aerobionts 12
- aerobiotic 14
- albinesses 12
- albinoisms 14
- albitising 13
- albitizing 22
- algophobia 18
- ambidexter 22
- ambiophony 22
- amoebiform 19
- aquaphobia 26
- aquaphobic 28
- arabicised 15
- arabicises 14
- arbitriums 14
- atrabiliar 12
- autophobia 17
- babiroussa 14
- ballabiles 14
- bethumbing 20
- biannulate 12
- bibliophil 19
- bibliopoly 19
- bicapsular 16
- bichloride 18
- bicornuate 14
- bicyclical 21
- bidentated 14
- bienseance 14
- biguanides 14
- bilestones 12
- bilimbings 17
- bilinguist 13
- billowings 16
- biloculate 14
- bimestrial 14
- binominals 14
- biocellate 14
- biocenotic 16
- bioecology 18
- biographed 19
- biominings 15
- bioparents 14
- bioplasmic 18
- biopoieses 14
- biopoiesis 14
- bioreagent 13
- biostatics 14
- biotically 17
- biparietal 14
- bipetalous 14
- bipinnaria 14
- bipolarise 14
- biquadrate 22
- biquintile 21
- biracially 17
- birostrate 12
- birthnight 19
- bishopbird 20
- bishopdoms 20
- bishopweed 21
- bismuthous 17
- bissextile 19
- bisulphide 18
- bisulphite 17
- bisymmetry 22
- bitchfests 20
- bitterbark 18
- bitterwood 16
- bituminate 14
- bivalvular 18
- bivariants 15
- bivariates 15
- bobbitting 17
- boobiallas 14
- canophobia 19
- carbiniers 14
- chalybites 20
- cherubical 19
- cherubimic 21
- cohabitors 17
- cohibiting 18
- cohibition 17
- cohibitive 20
- combinings 17
- coquimbite 25
- coulibiaca 16
- crossbirth 17
- crossbites 14
- cucurbital 16
- cynophobia 22
- dahabiyahs 22
- dahabiyehs 22
- dendrobium 16
- diatribist 13
- dickeybird 23
- dickybirds 23
- diplobiont 15
- dishabited 17
- dislimbing 16
- docibility 18
- drabbiness 15
- dubitating 14
- dupability 18
- dysbindins 17
- ebionising 13
- ebionitism 14
- ebionizing 22
- ecophobias 19
- embitterer 14
- epilobiums 16
- ergophobia 18
- euphorbium 19
- europhobia 17
- europhobic 19
- excambions 23
- excambiums 25
- exorbitate 19
- forbiddals 17
- forebitter 15
- gabionades 14
- gabionnade 14
- gallabiahs 16
- gallabiehs 16
- gallabiyah 19
- gallabiyas 16
- gallabiyeh 19
- genophobia 18
- gnotobiote 13
- gooneybird 17
- habilatory 18
- habitaunce 17
- halobiotic 17
- haplobiont 17
- hedgebills 17
- hobbitries 17
- hobjobbing 27
- homebirths 20
- iambically 19
- indirubins 13
- inhabitors 15
- kenophobia 21
- kirbigrips 19
- knobbiness 18
- koulibiaca 18
- labialisms 14
- labionasal 12
- lambitives 17
- libidinist 13
- locomobile 16
- macrobiota 16
- macrobiote 16
- memorabile 16
- mixability 24
- monophobia 19
- monophobic 21
- morbidezza 33
- morbillous 14
- muttonbird 15
- mycobionts 19
- mysophobia 22
- nebbishers 17
- nobilesses 12
- nosophobia 17
- nubiferous 15
- nubigenous 13
- panophobia 19
- phycobiont 22
- plebifying 21
- pocketbike 24
- pyrophobia 22
- pyrophobic 24
- rabbinists 14
- rabbinites 14
- reclimbing 17
- remobilise 14
- rhubarbing 18
- ridability 16
- rubiaceous 14
- rubicelles 14
- rubiginose 13
- saddlebill 14
- saprobiont 14
- scrobicule 16
- sebiferous 15
- sibilatory 15
- silverbill 15
- sitophobia 17
- skunkbirds 21
- slabbiness 14
- sneaksbies 16
- snowtubing 16
- snubbingly 18
- sorbitised 13
- sorbitises 12
- sorbitized 22
- sorbitizes 21
- squibbings 24
- stabbingly 18
- stabilates 12
- stibialism 14
- stiltbirds 13
- stormbirds 15
- strobilate 12
- strobiline 12
- strobiloid 13
- subimagoes 15
- subincised 15
- subincises 14
- subintrant 12
- subitising 13
- subitizing 22
- sueability 15
- suprapubic 18
- syllabical 17
- symbiontic 19
- tamability 17
- taxability 22
- theophobia 20
- throbbings 18
- thumbikins 21
- toxiphobia 24
- trilobitic 14
- ubiquarian 21
- ubiquitary 24
- ubiquitins 21
- umbiliform 19
- unbiasedly 16
- unbiassing 13
- unbindings 14
- unbishoped 18
- uncombines 16
- unilabiate 12
- unplumbing 17
- yellowbird 19
- ytterbites 15
- zelophobia 26
- zelophobic 28
There are 866 10-letter words containing bi in the well-known word game dictionary, 512 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 801 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 565 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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