There are a total of 96 10-letter words containing 'yg', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- amygdalins 20
- amygdaloid 20
- apterygote 17
- billygoats 19
- bodyguards 20
- borborygmi 23
- hemizygous 29
- homozygote 28
- homozygous 29
- honeyguide 19
- hygienists 17
- hygrograph 23
- hygrometer 19
- hygrometry 21
- hygrophyte 23
- hygroscope 22
- kerygmatic 24
- monozygous 28
- oxygenated 23
- oxygenates 22
- oxygenator 22
- oxygenised 23
- oxygenises 22
- oxygenized 32
- oxygenizes 31
- oxygenless 23
- partygiver 21
- partygoers 17
- playground 21
- playgroups 22
- polygamies 21
- polygamist 21
- polygamize 30
- polygamous 22
- polygenism 22
- polygenist 19
- polygonies 19
- polygonums 23
- polygraphs 23
- polygynies 21
- polygynous 22
- pterygiums 21
- pterygoids 18
- pterygotes 17
- pygostyles 20
- raygrasses 14
- shandygaff 24
- sphygmuses 23
- spyglasses 18
- unhygienic 22
- uropygiums 22
- zygodactyl 30
- zygomorphy 33
- zygopteran 27
- zygosities 23
- zygospores 26
- candygrams 19
- hygrostats 17
- oxygenases 21
- playgoings 17
- zygomatics 27
- amygdalate 17
- amygdaline 17
- antisyzygy 29
- apterygial 16
- azygospore 25
- copygraphs 23
- hygristors 17
- hygrochasy 25
- hygrodeiks 22
- hygrophile 22
- hygrophobe 24
- hypophyges 27
- jellygraph 26
- moygashels 19
- oxygeniser 21
- oxygenizer 30
- polygamise 18
- polygenies 16
- polygenous 16
- polyglotts 16
- polygraphy 24
- polygynian 19
- polygynist 19
- pterygials 16
- steatopyga 16
- tachygraph 24
- trioxygens 21
- zygantrums 25
- zygobranch 30
- zygocactus 27
- zygomycete 30
- zygophytes 31
- zygosperms 27
- zygosphene 28
- zygosporic 27
There are 96 10-letter words containing yg in the well-known word game dictionary, 48 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 91 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 56 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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