There are a total of 97 10-letter words containing 'za', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- analyzable 27
- autolyzate 23
- balthazars 25
- biohazards 25
- bizarrerie 22
- blizzardly 36
- cancrizans 27
- cognizable 29
- cognizably 31
- cognizance 29
- coleorhiza 25
- czarevitch 31
- dialyzable 27
- dialyzates 23
- gleization 23
- haphazards 27
- influenzal 27
- influenzas 26
- iodization 21
- ionization 21
- janizaries 29
- kazatskies 27
- lazarettes 20
- lazarettos 20
- lespedezas 24
- lizardfish 26
- manzanilla 26
- manzanitas 24
- mezzalunas 34
- mezzanines 33
- mozzarella 33
- mycorrhiza 29
- oxidizable 31
- panzanella 26
- pyrolyzate 27
- quatorzain 30
- realizable 24
- salmanazar 24
- scherzando 26
- schizandra 26
- sforzandos 24
- sizarships 24
- solmizated 24
- solmizates 23
- squeezable 33
- tamburitza 26
- tanzanites 21
- utilizable 25
- wizardries 23
- zabaglione 26
- zamindaris 24
- zaninesses 21
- zapateados 23
- zigzagging 37
- affluenzas 25
- alizarines 19
- blizzarded 32
- clozapines 23
- courtezans 21
- mycorhizae 29
- mycorhizas 29
- tzarevitch 27
- zigzaggers 31
- alcarrazas 21
- amperzands 24
- avizandums 25
- balzarines 21
- bartizaned 22
- belshazzar 33
- capsizable 25
- denization 20
- endorhizal 23
- haramzadas 25
- haramzadis 25
- hazardable 25
- hazardizes 32
- hazardries 23
- janizarian 26
- macrozamia 25
- mazarinade 22
- morbidezza 33
- mycorhizal 29
- nanization 19
- pectizable 25
- peptizable 25
- pileorhiza 24
- realizably 24
- scherzandi 25
- superbazar 23
- unhazarded 24
- unprizable 23
- unseizable 21
- unvizarded 24
- zambooraks 27
- zanthoxyls 32
- zapotillas 21
- zigzaggery 34
There are 97 10-letter words containing za in the well-known word game dictionary, 51 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 89 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 54 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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