There are a total of 54 10-letter words containing 'zoo', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- epizootics 25
- epizooties 22
- gadzookery 28
- waterzoois 22
- zookeepers 26
- zoolatries 20
- zoological 26
- zoologists 22
- zoometries 22
- zoomorphic 30
- zoophagous 27
- zoophilies 25
- zoophilous 26
- zoosterols 20
- hematozoon 24
- protozoons 21
- zoogametes 22
- zoophilias 24
- zoophobias 26
- zootomists 21
- panzootics 23
- zoochories 24
- zoochorous 24
- zooculture 21
- zoodendria 21
- zoogloeoid 21
- zoogonidia 21
- zoographer 25
- zoographic 27
- zoolatrias 19
- zoolatrous 19
- zoomancies 23
- zoonomists 21
- zoopathies 24
- zooperists 21
- zoophagans 25
- zoophagies 25
- zoophilism 26
- zoophilist 24
- zoophobous 26
- zoophytoid 28
- zooplastic 23
- zooscopies 23
- zoospermia 23
- zoosporous 21
- zoothapses 24
- zoothapsis 24
- zoothecial 24
- zoothecium 26
- zootheisms 24
- zootherapy 27
- zootomical 23
- zootrophic 26
- zootsuiter 19
There are 54 10-letter words containing zoo in the well-known word game dictionary, 19 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 54 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 14 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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