There are a total of 336 10-letter words ending in 'ry', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- accusatory 19
- acidimetry 19
- adjuratory 23
- admonitory 17
- alimentary 17
- altcountry 18
- ambulatory 20
- amendatory 17
- anemometry 19
- apothecary 20
- astrometry 15
- audiometry 17
- baptistery 18
- bardolatry 17
- bathymetry 22
- begrudgery 21
- bewitchery 23
- biomimicry 24
- biosurgery 18
- blackberry 26
- buffoonery 23
- bunchberry 25
- campimetry 24
- canterbury 20
- capitulary 20
- carpellary 20
- castratory 15
- cautionary 17
- charactery 20
- chartulary 19
- chinaberry 21
- chokeberry 24
- clearstory 16
- clerestory 16
- cloudberry 21
- commandery 23
- commentary 22
- commissary 21
- compulsory 23
- conclusory 21
- consistory 16
- copulatory 20
- coralberry 19
- coulometry 20
- countercry 20
- debauchery 22
- dedicatory 17
- defamatory 19
- defecatory 19
- depilatory 17
- depositary 16
- depository 16
- derogatory 15
- dictionary 17
- dispensary 17
- distillery 15
- divinatory 18
- drysaltery 16
- effrontery 19
- elderberry 17
- elementary 17
- emblazonry 29
- embroidery 19
- epistolary 16
- escalatory 16
- eudiometry 17
- excitatory 22
- excusatory 23
- execratory 22
- exhibitory 24
- expiratory 22
- expository 22
- festoonery 16
- fibrillary 20
- fritillary 17
- gadzookery 28
- gendarmery 19
- goniometry 18
- gooseberry 17
- gravimetry 21
- hagiolatry 17
- heliolatry 16
- hereditary 15
- hierolatry 15
- humbuggery 26
- hydrometry 20
- hygrometry 21
- iconolatry 17
- incendiary 18
- incubatory 20
- indicatory 17
- inhibitory 18
- initiatory 13
- innovatory 18
- insanitary 14
- intermarry 16
- inundatory 16
- invitatory 17
- invocatory 20
- jackassery 28
- judicatory 26
- justiciary 25
- laboratory 16
- lampoonery 20
- lectionary 17
- levorotary 17
- locomotory 19
- loganberry 19
- mammillary 23
- marquetery 25
- micrometry 21
- millihenry 20
- missionary 16
- mitigatory 17
- modulatory 18
- multistory 17
- necrolatry 17
- nitwittery 16
- noncountry 19
- nonlibrary 18
- obligatory 18
- osculatory 17
- outbackery 23
- pelvimetry 23
- pensionary 17
- peremptory 21
- pheasantry 18
- philopatry 21
- photometry 20
- photostory 17
- phylactery 23
- pigmentary 21
- planimetry 20
- pleasantry 17
- possessory 15
- prebendary 20
- preceptory 21
- precursory 19
- preemptory 21
- prehistory 17
- preprimary 21
- presbytery 20
- presidiary 16
- presurgery 18
- promissory 18
- promontory 19
- promptuary 22
- protectory 18
- psychiatry 22
- quaestuary 23
- quaternary 23
- radiometry 16
- redelivery 18
- redemptory 19
- refractory 18
- registrary 14
- regulatory 16
- reparatory 15
- repository 15
- rescissory 15
- responsory 16
- revelatory 17
- revocatory 19
- rowanberry 19
- salutatory 14
- sandpapery 20
- sanguinary 17
- segmentary 18
- separatory 15
- sheepberry 20
- sociometry 18
- spirometry 18
- stationary 13
- stationery 13
- strategery 14
- strawberry 18
- stylometry 18
- subsidiary 17
- sugarberry 18
- superdairy 17
- suppletory 20
- suspensory 17
- tomfoolery 19
- trajectory 24
- transitory 13
- tumultuary 19
- understory 15
- undulatory 17
- unliterary 15
- unmilitary 18
- unordinary 16
- unsanitary 15
- upholstery 19
- vesicatory 19
- veterinary 17
- viscometry 22
- vocabulary 24
- voluptuary 22
- youngberry 21
- liberatory 15
- absolutory 15
- advisatory 17
- advocatory 19
- aldermanry 16
- ambagitory 18
- angleberry 16
- araeometry 15
- aspiratory 15
- astrolatry 13
- auctionary 15
- axonometry 22
- bathometry 20
- bisymmetry 22
- blindstory 16
- breadberry 18
- cauliflory 18
- cessionary 15
- chaplainry 20
- chirurgery 19
- clamjamfry 29
- clinometry 17
- cobwebbery 24
- completory 19
- conciliary 17
- condensery 16
- consectary 17
- consultory 15
- copartnery 17
- correctory 17
- corrivalry 18
- cosmolatry 17
- crackberry 23
- crakeberry 21
- crewellery 18
- cunctatory 17
- cyclometry 22
- densimetry 16
- depuratory 16
- desolatory 14
- detractory 16
- discursory 16
- dismissory 16
- dissuasory 14
- emendatory 16
- emigratory 16
- factionary 18
- faldistory 17
- fluxionary 23
- forgettery 17
- fumigatory 19
- gladiatory 15
- goliardery 15
- gunpowdery 20
- gyniolatry 17
- habilatory 18
- heathberry 21
- heliometry 18
- henpeckery 24
- hesitatory 16
- homoeomery 20
- hypsometry 23
- iconometry 17
- indagatory 15
- infinitary 16
- insalutary 13
- jaculatory 22
- lachrymary 23
- linguistry 14
- litholatry 16
- lordolatry 14
- mansionary 15
- merchantry 20
- metatheory 18
- millionary 15
- mugwumpery 23
- octogenary 16
- odorimetry 16
- ophiolatry 18
- oxidimetry 23
- palliatory 15
- passionary 15
- patibulary 17
- peacockery 23
- penguinery 16
- percursory 17
- persuasory 15
- phantastry 18
- piezometry 26
- pistillary 15
- planometry 17
- plauditory 16
- plerophory 20
- pleximetry 24
- plutolatry 15
- poetastery 15
- potentiary 15
- prehensory 18
- propulsory 17
- proslavery 18
- ratbaggery 17
- refractary 18
- reticulary 15
- revestiary 16
- scaldberry 18
- scavengery 19
- sculduddry 18
- serjeantry 20
- sexagenary 21
- sibilatory 15
- silentiary 13
- simulatory 15
- slaughtery 17
- somniatory 15
- spiceberry 19
- spoliatory 15
- spreaghery 19
- statolatry 13
- stercorary 15
- stillatory 13
- subdeanery 16
- subsultory 15
- tabulatory 15
- tachometry 20
- tachymetry 23
- tonsillary 13
- tripudiary 16
- triumphery 20
- tuitionary 13
- ubiquitary 24
- unguentary 14
- unsymmetry 20
- uranometry 15
- usurpatory 15
- validatory 17
- whodunitry 20
- zigzaggery 34
There are 336 10-letter words ending in ry in the well-known word game dictionary, 163 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 327 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 199 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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