There are a total of 64 10-letter words ending in 'ure', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- antinature 13
- apiculture 19
- aviculture 20
- biotecture 17
- caricature 17
- commissure 20
- commixture 27
- conjecture 27
- contexture 22
- couverture 19
- craquelure 25
- debouchure 21
- disclosure 16
- embouchure 23
- forfeiture 17
- impressure 17
- judicature 25
- literature 12
- mismeasure 17
- nunciature 17
- outmeasure 15
- overinsure 16
- overmature 18
- prefecture 20
- premeasure 17
- quadrature 22
- reexposure 21
- roquelaure 22
- subculture 20
- subseizure 24
- unpleasure 17
- attainture 10
- bellamoure 14
- calliature 12
- circummure 18
- colorature 12
- commeasure 16
- compacture 18
- composture 16
- crispature 14
- demeasnure 13
- disfeature 14
- encincture 14
- encoignure 13
- engendrure 12
- entreasure 10
- expressure 19
- extincture 19
- garmenture 13
- maculature 14
- misfeature 15
- misventure 15
- nourriture 10
- paradoxure 20
- prefixture 22
- projecture 21
- refracture 15
- reioyndure 14
- rejoindure 18
- supporture 14
- tubulature 12
- untreasure 10
- usurpature 12
- zooculture 21
There are 64 10-letter words ending in ure in the well-known word game dictionary, 24 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 61 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 31 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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