There are a total of 170 10-letter words starting with 'em', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- emaciating 19
- emaciation 17
- emalangeni 18
- emanations 15
- emanatists 12
- emancipate 20
- emancipist 16
- emarginate 16
- emasculate 18
- emballings 15
- embalmings 17
- embalmment 24
- embankment 25
- embargoing 21
- embarkment 24
- embarrings 15
- embasement 16
- embassades 15
- embassador 15
- embassages 18
- embattling 20
- embayments 22
- embeddings 21
- embedments 21
- embezzlers 35
- embezzling 38
- embittered 17
- embitterer 14
- emblazoned 28
- emblazoner 27
- emblazonry 29
- emblematic 23
- emblements 21
- emblemised 17
- emblemises 16
- emblemized 26
- emblemizes 25
- emblooming 17
- emblossoms 16
- embodiment 21
- emboldened 20
- emboldener 15
- embolising 15
- embolismal 16
- embolismic 23
- embolizing 24
- embonpoint 21
- embordered 18
- emboscatas 16
- embosoming 22
- embossable 20
- embossment 20
- embothrium 19
- embouchure 23
- embounding 16
- emboweling 23
- embowelled 22
- embowering 22
- embowments 19
- embraceors 19
- embraiding 16
- embrangled 21
- embrangles 20
- embrasured 18
- embrasures 17
- embrazures 23
- embreading 16
- embreathed 18
- embreathes 17
- embrittled 18
- embrittles 17
- embrocated 20
- embrocates 19
- embroglios 15
- embroiders 17
- embroidery 19
- embroilers 14
- embroiling 20
- embrowning 23
- embruement 16
- embryogeny 23
- embryology 23
- embryonate 17
- embryotomy 22
- embryulcia 19
- emendating 18
- emendation 16
- emendators 13
- emendatory 16
- emergences 19
- emergently 16
- emetically 20
- emications 14
- emigrating 18
- emigration 16
- emigratory 16
- eminencies 18
- eminential 12
- emissaries 13
- emissivity 19
- emittances 17
- emmarbling 17
- emmenology 18
- emmetropes 16
- emmetropia 16
- emmetropic 18
- emolliated 13
- emolliates 12
- emollience 19
- emollients 16
- emollition 12
- emoluments 19
- emotivisms 17
- emotivists 17
- empacketed 21
- empalement 16
- empaneling 21
- empanelled 20
- emparadise 15
- empathetic 21
- empathised 19
- empathises 18
- empathists 17
- empathized 28
- empathizer 26
- empathizes 27
- empatroned 15
- empeaching 20
- empennages 20
- empeopling 17
- emperished 18
- emperishes 17
- emperising 15
- emperizing 24
- emphasised 19
- emphasises 18
- emphasized 28
- emphasizes 27
- emphatical 19
- emphractic 21
- emphysemas 23
- emphysemic 26
- empiercing 17
- empiricism 22
- empiricist 19
- emplasters 14
- emplastics 16
- emplastron 14
- emplastrum 16
- empleached 20
- empleaches 19
- emplectons 16
- emplectums 18
- emplonging 16
- employable 23
- employment 23
- empoisoned 18
- empoldered 19
- empoverish 20
- empowering 22
- empurpling 24
- emulations 16
- emulatress 12
- emulgences 15
- emulsified 19
- emulsifier 18
- emulsifies 18
- emulsioned 17
- emulsoidal 17
- emunctions 14
There are 170 10-letter words starting with "em" in the well-known word game dictionary, in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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