There are a total of 208 10-letter words starting with 'fr', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- frabjously 29
- fractality 18
- fractional 18
- fractioned 18
- fracturers 15
- fracturing 20
- fraenulums 20
- fragmental 20
- fragmented 20
- fragranced 20
- fragrances 19
- fragrantly 19
- fraicheurs 18
- frambesias 19
- framboesia 19
- framboises 19
- frameshift 21
- frameworks 23
- franchised 20
- franchisee 19
- franchiser 19
- franchises 19
- franchisor 19
- francising 20
- francizing 29
- francolins 19
- francophil 20
- frangipane 20
- frangipani 20
- frankforts 20
- frankfurts 22
- franserias 13
- fratchiest 18
- fraternise 14
- fraternity 16
- fraternize 23
- fratricide 17
- fraudfully 20
- fraudsters 15
- fraudulent 18
- fraughtage 18
- fraughtest 17
- fraughting 21
- fraxinella 23
- freakeries 17
- freakiness 18
- freakishly 22
- freakshows 22
- freckliest 21
- frecklings 20
- freebasers 16
- freebasing 19
- freeboards 17
- freebooted 17
- freebooter 16
- freediving 18
- freedwoman 21
- freedwomen 21
- freefalled 19
- freeganism 16
- freehanded 18
- freeholder 17
- freehouses 16
- freelanced 19
- freelancer 18
- freelances 18
- freeloaded 16
- freeloader 15
- freemartin 17
- freemasons 15
- freenesses 14
- freephones 18
- freeriding 17
- freesheets 15
- freestones 14
- freestyled 17
- freestyler 16
- freestyles 16
- freewheels 19
- freewrites 16
- freezeouts 23
- freezingly 28
- freightage 19
- freighters 17
- freighting 20
- fremescent 17
- fremituses 17
- frenetical 15
- frenziedly 27
- frequences 27
- frequented 25
- frequenter 24
- frequently 27
- frescoings 16
- frescoists 15
- fresheners 16
- freshening 19
- fresherdom 19
- freshwater 18
- freshwoman 22
- freshwomen 22
- fretboards 17
- friability 19
- friarbirds 17
- fricandeau 19
- fricandoes 18
- fricasseed 17
- fricassees 16
- fricatives 20
- frictional 18
- friedcakes 21
- friendings 15
- friendless 16
- friendlier 16
- friendlies 16
- friendlily 19
- friendship 20
- friezelike 27
- frigatoons 14
- frightened 19
- frightener 18
- frightsome 19
- frigidaria 16
- frigidness 17
- frigorific 21
- frikkadels 23
- frilleries 13
- frilliness 16
- fringeless 17
- fringillid 15
- fripperers 17
- fripperies 19
- friskiness 18
- friskingly 21
- frithborhs 21
- frithsoken 20
- frithstool 16
- fritillary 17
- fritterers 13
- frittering 16
- frivollers 19
- frivolling 22
- frizziness 32
- frizzliest 32
- frockcoats 23
- frogfishes 20
- froggeries 15
- froghopper 23
- frogmouths 21
- frogspawns 19
- frolickers 21
- frolicking 24
- frolicsome 20
- fromenties 17
- frontagers 16
- frontality 17
- frontbench 23
- frontcourt 18
- frontiered 14
- frontlines 13
- frontlists 13
- frontloads 16
- frontpaged 17
- frontpages 19
- frontwards 18
- frontwoman 21
- frostbites 16
- frostbound 16
- frostiness 14
- frostlines 13
- frostworks 20
- frotheries 16
- frothiness 16
- froughiest 17
- frouziness 22
- frowningly 23
- frowsiness 17
- frowstiest 16
- frowziness 26
- frozenness 24
- fructified 21
- fructifier 18
- fructifies 20
- fructuated 16
- fructuates 15
- frugalists 14
- frugalness 14
- frugivores 20
- fruitarian 15
- fruitcakes 21
- fruitcrows 20
- fruiterers 14
- fruiteress 13
- fruiteries 13
- fruitflies 18
- fruitfully 22
- fruitiness 15
- fruitloops 18
- fruitwoods 18
- frumenties 18
- frumpiness 21
- frumpishly 25
- frusemides 16
- frustrated 15
- frustrater 13
- frustrates 14
- frutescent 18
- frutifying 20
There are 208 10-letter words starting with "fr" in the well-known word game dictionary, in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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