There are a total of 214 10-letter words starting with 'ga', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- gabapentin 15
- gabardines 17
- gabblement 17
- gabbroitic 17
- gaberdines 17
- gabionades 14
- gabionages 18
- gabionnade 14
- gadgeteers 15
- gadgetiest 13
- gadgetries 15
- gadolinite 15
- gadolinium 19
- gadrooning 17
- gadzookery 28
- gaelicised 14
- gaelicises 13
- gaelicisms 15
- gaelicized 23
- gaelicizes 22
- gaillardia 15
- gaingiving 22
- gainliness 11
- gainsayers 15
- gainsaying 18
- gainstrive 14
- gainstrove 14
- gaiterless 11
- galabiyahs 19
- galacticos 19
- galactoses 16
- galactosyl 19
- galantines 15
- galavanted 19
- galdragons 13
- galengales 12
- galenicals 18
- galimatias 13
- galingales 17
- galiongees 12
- galivanted 19
- gallabeahs 16
- gallabiahs 16
- gallabiehs 16
- gallabiyah 19
- gallabiyas 16
- gallabiyeh 19
- gallamines 18
- gallantest 11
- gallanting 18
- galleasses 14
- gallerists 14
- gallerying 19
- galleryite 16
- galliambic 23
- galliasses 14
- gallicised 14
- gallicises 13
- gallicisms 20
- gallicized 27
- gallicizes 26
- gallimimus 21
- gallinazos 20
- gallinules 17
- gallisised 12
- gallisises 11
- gallisized 21
- gallisizes 20
- gallivants 19
- galliwasps 20
- galloglass 17
- gallonages 17
- gallopaded 15
- gallopades 18
- gallstones 15
- gallumphed 19
- galravaged 16
- galravages 15
- galravitch 19
- galumphers 18
- galumphing 25
- galvanical 16
- galvanised 19
- galvaniser 18
- galvanises 18
- galvanisms 21
- galvanists 14
- galvanized 28
- galvanizer 27
- galvanizes 27
- gamahuched 22
- gamahuches 21
- gamaruched 19
- gamaruches 18
- gambadoing 17
- gambolling 23
- gamefishes 19
- gamekeeper 22
- gamenesses 16
- gamesomely 21
- gametangia 18
- gametocyte 20
- gametogeny 20
- gamineries 13
- gaminesque 22
- gaminesses 16
- gammocking 22
- gammonings 16
- gamotropic 17
- gamynesses 16
- ganderisms 14
- gangbanged 22
- gangbanger 21
- gangboards 19
- gangbuster 19
- gangliated 13
- gangliform 17
- ganglionic 20
- gangmaster 18
- gangplanks 24
- gangraping 21
- gangrening 19
- gangrenous 17
- gannetries 14
- gannisters 14
- gantelopes 17
- gantleting 17
- gaolbreaks 20
- gaolhouses 16
- garagistes 12
- garbageman 21
- garbagemen 21
- gardenfuls 19
- gardenings 13
- gardenless 12
- garderobes 16
- gargantuan 17
- gargantuas 12
- gargarised 13
- gargarises 12
- gargarisms 14
- gargarized 22
- gargarizes 21
- gargoylism 20
- garibaldis 17
- garimpeiro 18
- garishness 15
- garlandage 13
- garlanding 18
- garlickier 17
- garlicking 18
- garmenting 19
- garmenture 13
- garnierite 13
- garnisheed 16
- garnishees 15
- garnishers 14
- garnishing 18
- garnitures 14
- garottings 12
- garreteers 11
- garrisoned 14
- garrotters 11
- garrotting 15
- garryowens 18
- gasbagging 16
- gasconaded 18
- gasconader 17
- gasconades 17
- gasconisms 15
- gasfitters 15
- gashliness 14
- gasholders 16
- gasifiable 16
- gaslighted 18
- gasometers 15
- gasometric 15
- gaspereaus 13
- gaspereaux 20
- gasteropod 16
- gasthauser 14
- gasthauses 14
- gastnesses 13
- gastraeums 13
- gastralgia 12
- gastralgic 14
- gastrolith 15
- gastrology 15
- gastronome 16
- gastronomy 18
- gastropods 16
- gastropubs 19
- gastrosoph 16
- gastrotomy 16
- gastrulate 14
- gatehouses 15
- gatekeeper 19
- gatelegged 18
- gatherable 16
- gatherings 17
- gaucheness 19
- gaucheries 18
- gauffering 22
- gauleiters 11
- gaultheria 14
- gauntleted 16
- gaussmeter 13
- gavelkinds 23
- gawkihoods 22
- gazehounds 26
- gazetteers 21
- gazillions 24
- gazundered 25
- gazunderer 21
There are 214 10-letter words starting with "ga" in the well-known word game dictionary, in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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