There are a total of 49 10-letter words starting with 'gi', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- giantesses 13
- gianthoods 15
- giantliest 11
- giantships 16
- giantsized 23
- giardiases 13
- giardiasis 13
- gibberbird 22
- gibbetting 21
- giftaiding 19
- giftedness 17
- gigacycles 19
- gigantisms 18
- gigapixels 25
- gigglesome 15
- gigglingly 23
- gildswoman 17
- gildswomen 17
- gillflirts 14
- gillnetted 16
- gillnetter 15
- gillravage 15
- gilravaged 16
- gilravager 15
- gilravages 15
- gilravitch 19
- gilsonites 11
- gimballing 23
- gimmickier 21
- gimmicking 28
- gingellies 17
- gingerades 13
- gingerales 16
- gingeriest 12
- gingerlier 12
- gingerroot 15
- gingersnap 19
- gingivites 19
- gingivitis 19
- ginglimoid 15
- gipsyhoods 20
- gipsyworts 20
- girandolas 12
- girandoles 15
- girdlecake 18
- girlfriend 18
- girthlines 14
- gittarones 11
- gitterning 12
There are 49 10-letter words starting with "gi" in the well-known word game dictionary, in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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