There are a total of 244 10-letter words starting with 'im', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- imagemaker 22
- imaginable 20
- imaginably 22
- imagineers 16
- imaginings 19
- imaginists 13
- imbalanced 22
- imbalances 21
- imbecilely 19
- imbecility 22
- imbedments 21
- imbibition 20
- imbittered 17
- imboldened 20
- imbordered 16
- imbosoming 22
- imbowering 22
- imbrangled 16
- imbrangles 15
- imbricated 20
- imbricates 19
- imbroccata 18
- imbroglios 19
- imbrowning 23
- imbruement 16
- imbuements 16
- imidazoles 24
- iminazoles 21
- iminoureas 12
- imipramine 20
- imitancies 14
- imitations 14
- immaculacy 26
- immaculate 21
- immanacled 17
- immanacles 16
- immanation 14
- immanences 21
- immanental 14
- immanently 21
- immanities 14
- immantling 15
- immaterial 17
- immaturely 20
- immaturest 14
- immaturity 19
- immeasured 15
- immemorial 20
- immergence 17
- immeritous 14
- immersible 20
- immersions 17
- immigrants 19
- immigrated 19
- immigrates 18
- immigrator 15
- imminences 21
- imminently 21
- immingling 23
- imminution 14
- immiscible 23
- immiscibly 25
- immiserate 16
- immiserise 16
- immiserize 25
- immissions 14
- immittance 20
- immixtures 24
- immobilise 20
- immobilism 23
- immobility 22
- immobilize 29
- immoderacy 22
- immoderate 17
- immodester 15
- immodestly 20
- immolating 20
- immolation 18
- immolators 17
- immoralism 20
- immoralist 17
- immorality 19
- immortally 20
- immortelle 18
- immotility 17
- immovables 24
- immoveable 24
- immoveably 26
- immunisers 18
- immunising 21
- immunities 18
- immunizers 27
- immunizing 30
- immunoblot 22
- immunogens 21
- immunology 23
- immurement 21
- impactions 20
- impactites 16
- impainting 20
- impairable 16
- impairings 15
- impairment 20
- impalement 21
- impalpable 24
- impalpably 26
- impaludism 17
- impanation 18
- impaneling 21
- impanelled 20
- imparadise 17
- imparities 16
- imparlance 16
- impartable 16
- impartible 20
- impartibly 22
- impartment 20
- impassable 20
- impassably 22
- impassible 20
- impassibly 22
- impassions 17
- impatience 20
- impeachers 19
- impeaching 24
- impearling 20
- impeccable 26
- impeccably 28
- impeccancy 23
- impedances 21
- impediment 21
- impedingly 19
- impeditive 18
- impellents 14
- impendence 17
- impendency 20
- impenitent 18
- imperative 20
- imperators 16
- imperatrix 23
- imperfecta 22
- imperfects 22
- imperially 20
- imperiling 20
- imperilled 19
- impersonal 18
- impervious 21
- impetrated 17
- impetrates 16
- impetrator 14
- impictured 17
- impishness 19
- implacable 24
- implacably 26
- implanters 18
- implanting 21
- impleached 20
- impleaches 19
- impleaders 15
- impleading 21
- impledging 23
- implements 21
- impletions 14
- implexions 21
- implexuous 21
- implicated 21
- implicates 20
- implicitly 23
- implodents 15
- implorator 14
- implosions 18
- implosives 21
- implunging 16
- impocketed 21
- impoldered 19
- impolicies 20
- impolitely 20
- impolitest 14
- importable 20
- importance 20
- importancy 22
- importings 15
- importuned 19
- importuner 18
- importunes 18
- imposingly 22
- imposition 17
- impossible 20
- impossibly 22
- imposthume 22
- impostrous 14
- impostumed 17
- impostumes 20
- impostures 17
- impotences 20
- impotently 20
- impoundage 16
- impounders 19
- impounding 22
- impoverish 22
- impowering 22
- imprecated 20
- imprecates 19
- impregnant 20
- impregnate 19
- impregning 22
- impresario 16
- impressers 14
- impressing 19
- impression 17
- impressive 20
- impressure 17
- imprimatur 20
- imprinters 17
- imprinting 20
- imprisoned 18
- imprisoner 14
- improbable 23
- improbably 25
- impromptus 23
- improperer 16
- improperly 22
- improvable 24
- improvably 22
- improvised 21
- improviser 20
- improvises 20
- improvisor 20
- imprudence 22
- impsonites 14
- impudences 22
- impudently 22
- impudicity 23
- impugnable 24
- impugnment 24
- impuissant 18
- impulsions 19
- impundulus 15
- impunities 18
- impureness 18
- impurities 17
- impurpling 17
- imputation 18
- imputative 21
There are 244 10-letter words starting with "im" in the well-known word game dictionary, in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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