There are a total of 49 10-letter words starting with 'mal', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- malachites 19
- malacology 22
- maladapted 19
- maladdress 14
- maladroits 13
- malaguenas 18
- malaguetas 17
- malaguetta 17
- malapertly 20
- malapropos 20
- malathions 17
- malaxating 24
- malaxation 19
- malaxators 19
- malcontent 19
- maledicent 15
- maledicted 19
- malefactor 20
- maleffects 20
- maleficent 21
- maleficial 17
- malenesses 15
- malengines 13
- malentendu 13
- malevolent 20
- malfeasant 18
- malignance 21
- malignancy 23
- malignants 13
- malignment 15
- malingered 18
- malingerer 17
- mallanders 13
- malleating 13
- malleation 12
- malleefowl 22
- malleiform 17
- mallemucks 20
- mallenders 13
- mallowpuff 23
- malmstones 14
- malodorous 16
- malolactic 21
- maltalents 12
- malthouses 17
- maltreated 15
- maltreater 14
- malvaceous 22
- malvoisies 15
There are 49 10-letter words starting with "mal" in the well-known word game dictionary, in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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