There are a total of 152 10-letter words starting with 've', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- vectograph 21
- vectorings 16
- vectorised 18
- vectorises 17
- vectorized 27
- vectorizes 26
- veepstakes 21
- vegeburger 17
- vegetables 20
- vegetarian 17
- vegetating 19
- vegetation 17
- vegetative 20
- vehemences 23
- vehemently 23
- veilleuses 13
- veinstones 13
- veinstuffs 19
- velarising 18
- velarizing 27
- veldschoen 19
- veldskoens 21
- velitation 16
- velleities 16
- vellenages 14
- vellicated 16
- vellicates 15
- velocipede 22
- velocities 18
- velodromes 19
- veloutines 13
- velutinous 18
- velveteens 20
- velvetiest 16
- velvetings 17
- velvetleaf 23
- velvetlike 24
- venalities 16
- venational 17
- venatorial 13
- vendettist 14
- venditions 14
- veneerings 18
- veneficous 18
- venenating 19
- venerables 15
- venerating 18
- veneration 16
- venerators 15
- venereally 19
- vengeances 21
- vengefully 25
- vengements 16
- venialness 17
- venography 24
- venologies 14
- venomously 22
- venosities 15
- venousness 13
- ventiducts 20
- ventifacts 21
- ventilable 15
- ventilated 17
- ventilates 16
- ventilator 16
- ventricles 19
- ventricose 18
- ventricous 15
- ventricule 15
- ventriculi 20
- venturings 14
- veracities 17
- verandahed 19
- verapamils 21
- veratrines 15
- verbalised 19
- verbaliser 18
- verbalises 18
- verbalisms 21
- verbalists 18
- verbalized 28
- verbalizer 27
- verbalizes 27
- verballing 22
- verbarians 15
- verbascums 24
- verberated 16
- verberates 15
- verbicides 21
- verbifying 25
- verdancies 19
- vergeboard 17
- vergencies 16
- vergership 21
- veridicous 16
- verifiable 21
- verifiably 23
- verjuicing 23
- verkrampte 24
- vermeiling 16
- vermeilled 16
- vermeilles 15
- vermicelli 22
- vermicidal 18
- vermicides 21
- vermicular 22
- vermicules 17
- vermifugal 19
- vermifuges 23
- vermilions 19
- vermilling 16
- vermillion 20
- verminated 19
- verminates 18
- vernacular 20
- vernalised 17
- vernalises 16
- vernalized 26
- vernalizes 25
- vernations 16
- vernissage 17
- versemaker 21
- versicolor 15
- versicular 19
- versifiers 17
- versifying 22
- versioners 13
- versioning 18
- versionist 13
- vertebrate 17
- vertically 21
- vertigines 17
- vertiports 15
- vesicating 20
- vesication 18
- vesicatory 19
- vesiculate 19
- vesiculose 15
- vespertine 18
- vespiaries 17
- vestiaries 14
- vestibular 19
- vestibuled 20
- vestibules 19
- vestibulum 17
- vestiments 15
- vestitures 13
- vestmental 19
- vestmented 16
- vetchlings 23
- veterinary 17
- vexingness 21
There are 152 10-letter words starting with "ve" in the well-known word game dictionary, in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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