10 Letter Words List (38122)
- aardwolves 19
- abacterial 17
- abandonees 13
- abandoners 16
- abandoning 19
- abasements 17
- abashments 19
- abatements 17
- abbotships 21
- abbreviate 20
- abcoulombs 18
- abdicating 20
- abdication 18
- abdicative 18
- abdicators 17
- abdominals 19
- abdominous 19
- abducentes 19
- abductions 19
- abductores 18
- aberdevine 16
- aberrances 17
- aberrantly 17
- aberrating 13
- aberration 14
- abeyancies 19
- abhorrence 19
- abhorrency 20
- abhorrings 16
- abiogenist 16
- abiotrophy 20
- abirritant 12
- abirritate 12
- abiturient 12
- abjections 26
- abjectness 26
- abjointing 20
- abjunction 21
- abjuration 24
- ablatively 21
- ablutomane 14
- abnegating 19
- abnegation 17
- abnegators 16
- abnormally 21
- abodements 15
- abolishers 16
- abolishing 19
- abolitions 15
- abomasuses 14
- abominable 21
- abominably 23
- abominated 18
- abominates 17
- abominator 17
- abondances 15
- abonnement 14
- aboriginal 17
- aborigines 16
- aborticide 15
- abortional 12
- abortively 20
- aboveboard 21
- abraidedly 18
- abranchial 17
- abrasively 20
- abreacting 19
- abreaction 17
- abreactive 20
- abridgable 16
- abridgment 20
- abrogating 18
- abrogation 16
- abrogative 16
- abrogators 15
- abruptions 18
- abruptness 18
- abscessing 19
- abscinding 16
- abscissins 14
- abscission 17
- absconders 18
- absconding 21
- abseilings 13
- absinthism 17
- absolutely 18
- absolutest 15
- absolution 16
- absolutise 15
- absolutism 18
- absolutist 15
- absolutive 19
- absolutize 24
- absolutory 15
- absolvable 17
- absolvents 15
- absolvitor 15
- absorbable 20
- absorbance 20
- absorbancy 22
- absorbants 17
- absorbates 14
- absorbedly 20
- absorbency 22
- absorbents 17
- absorption 17
- absorptive 20
- abstainers 14
- abstaining 17
- abstemious 17
- abstention 15
- abstergent 13
- absterging 18
- abstersion 12
- abstersive 15
- abstinence 18
- abstinency 17
- abstracted 17
- abstracter 16
- abstractly 19
- abstractor 16
- abstricted 17
- abstrusely 17
- abstrusest 14
- abstrusity 16
- absurdisms 18
- absurdists 15
- absurdness 16
- abundances 20
- abundantly 20
- academical 21
- academisms 20
- academists 15
- acalculias 14
- acalephans 17
- acanaceous 14
- acanthuses 17
- acaricidal 18
- acaricides 17
- acarideans 13
- acaridians 13
- acarophily 20
- acarpelous 14
- acatalepsy 17
- accedences 17
- accelerant 18
- accelerate 17
- accensions 14
- accentless 18
- accentuate 18
- acceptable 23
- acceptably 25
- acceptance 23
- acceptancy 21
- acceptants 16
- acceptedly 23
- accessible 20
- accessibly 22
- accessions 17
- accessorii 14
- accidences 21
- accidental 19
- accidented 16
- accidently 21
- accipiters 19
- accipitral 16
- acclaimers 20
- acclaiming 23
- acclimated 21
- acclimates 20
- accoasting 15
- accolading 16
- accomplice 26
- accomplish 25
- accomptant 18
- accompting 19
- accoraging 16
- accordable 17
- accordance 21
- accordancy 20
How many 10 letter words are there in different dictionaries?
The number of 10-letter words varies in different word game dictionaries
- There are 23548 10-letter words in the Scrabble US Dictionary (NWL - contains Scrabble words from the NASPA word list, formerly TWL).
- There are 35529 10-letter words in the Scrabble UK Dictionary (CSW - contains Scrabble words from Collins Scrabble Words).
- There are 25532 10-letter words in the Words With Friends Dictionary (WWF).
What are the most common 10-letter words?
The most common 30 10-letter words are(sort by frequency descending):
What are the 10 10-letter words with the most points?
Scrabble US(NWL) | razzmatazz(48 points), whizzbangs(37 points), showbizzes(36 points), dizzyingly(36 points), bumfuzzled(36 points), bumfuzzles(35 points), puzzlingly(34 points), kolkhoznik(34 points), blizzardly(34 points), zygomorphy(33 points). |
Scrabble UK(CSW) | razzmatazz(48 points), quizzified(41 points), quizzifies(40 points), whizzingly(38 points), whizzbangs(37 points), quizziness(37 points), quizzeries(37 points), zizyphuses(36 points), showbizzes(36 points), dizzyingly(36 points). |
Word With Friends(WWF) | razzmatazz(49 points), vajazzling(45 points), jazzercise(40 points), whizzbangs(39 points), squeezebox(39 points), puzzlingly(39 points), buzzworthy(39 points), bemuzzling(39 points), unpuzzling(38 points), unmuzzling(38 points). |
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