10 Letter Words List (38122)
- vintagings 15
- virginiums 16
- visiogenic 16
- visitative 16
- vitalisers 13
- viticetums 17
- viticolous 15
- vitiferous 16
- vitrailled 14
- vitriolise 13
- vividities 17
- viviparies 18
- viviparism 20
- vizirships 27
- voetstoets 13
- volcanised 16
- volcanises 15
- volitating 14
- voltinisms 15
- voorkamers 19
- voutsafing 17
- vraickings 20
- vulnerates 13
- vulpicides 18
- vulpinisms 17
- vulpinites 15
- wagenbooms 18
- wagglingly 19
- waggonless 15
- waghalters 17
- waiterages 14
- waiterings 14
- waldflutes 17
- wallfishes 19
- wambliness 17
- wamblingly 21
- wanrestful 16
- wanthriven 19
- wantonised 14
- wantonises 13
- wantonizes 22
- wapenschaw 23
- wapenshaws 21
- wapinshaws 21
- wappenshaw 23
- warchalker 22
- waribashis 18
- warranding 15
- wastnesses 13
- waterpoxes 22
- waulkmills 19
- weasellers 13
- weatherers 16
- weighboard 20
- weldmeshes 19
- werwolfish 22
- whakapapas 24
- wharepunis 18
- wheeshting 20
- wherreting 17
- wherriting 17
- whiddering 19
- whillywhaw 28
- whingeings 18
- whirreting 17
- whitedamps 21
- whiteywood 23
- whitterick 22
- whodunitry 20
- whunstanes 16
- whydunnits 20
- wickthings 23
- wildgraves 18
- wincopipes 19
- witgatboom 18
- withywinds 23
- witwantons 16
- womankinds 20
- womenkinds 20
- woodhorses 17
- woodreeves 17
- woodshocks 23
- woodshrike 21
- woodspites 16
- woodstones 14
- woomerangs 16
- wraprounds 16
- wreathiest 16
- xanthoxyls 30
- xenomanias 19
- xenomenias 19
- xerostomas 19
- xiphopagic 27
- xylochrome 27
- xylogenous 21
- xyloidines 21
- xylologies 21
- xylometers 22
- xylophagan 26
- xylotomous 22
- yatterings 14
- yelloching 19
- youthheads 20
- youthhoods 20
- ytterbites 15
- zambooraks 27
- zanthoxyls 32
- zapotillas 21
- zealotisms 21
- zebrinnies 21
- zelatrixes 26
- zelophobic 28
- zelotypias 24
- zinckified 29
- zinckifies 28
- zincolyses 24
- zincolysis 24
- zizyphuses 36
- zoechromes 26
- zoochories 24
- zoodendria 21
- zoogloeoid 21
- zoolatrias 19
- zoomancies 23
- zoonomists 21
- zoopathies 24
- zooperists 21
- zoophagans 25
- zoophagies 25
- zoophobous 26
- zoophytoid 28
- zooscopies 23
- zoothapses 24
- zoothapsis 24
- zoothecial 24
- zoothecium 26
- zootheisms 24
- zorbonauts 21
- zugzwanged 34
- zumbooruks 27
- zygantrums 25
- zygosperms 27
How many 10 letter words are there in different dictionaries?
The number of 10-letter words varies in different word game dictionaries
- There are 23548 10-letter words in the Scrabble US Dictionary (NWL - contains Scrabble words from the NASPA word list, formerly TWL).
- There are 35529 10-letter words in the Scrabble UK Dictionary (CSW - contains Scrabble words from Collins Scrabble Words).
- There are 25532 10-letter words in the Words With Friends Dictionary (WWF).
What are the most common 10-letter words?
The most common 30 10-letter words are(sort by frequency descending):
What are the 10 10-letter words with the most points?
Scrabble US(NWL) | razzmatazz(48 points), whizzbangs(37 points), showbizzes(36 points), dizzyingly(36 points), bumfuzzled(36 points), bumfuzzles(35 points), puzzlingly(34 points), kolkhoznik(34 points), blizzardly(34 points), zygomorphy(33 points). |
Scrabble UK(CSW) | razzmatazz(48 points), quizzified(41 points), quizzifies(40 points), whizzingly(38 points), whizzbangs(37 points), quizziness(37 points), quizzeries(37 points), zizyphuses(36 points), showbizzes(36 points), dizzyingly(36 points). |
Word With Friends(WWF) | razzmatazz(49 points), vajazzling(45 points), jazzercise(40 points), whizzbangs(39 points), squeezebox(39 points), puzzlingly(39 points), buzzworthy(39 points), bemuzzling(39 points), unpuzzling(38 points), unmuzzling(38 points). |
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